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Wishes Come True: Application for Wish-Recipient Nominations - Deadline is September 29

Jessica Federman

American College of Healthcare Executives of New Jersey “Wishes Come True”

A community service project of the American College of Healthcare Executives of New Jersey (ACHENJ) Conducted in conjunction with the New Jersey Regent’s Advisory Council. Wishes Come True is the primary community service project of ACHE-NJ.

Each year, wishes are granted to chronically ill children whose lives are significantly impacted by their illnesses. Creation of this program in 1991 represented an important expansion of the normal activities of our professional association. The program provides us an opportunity as healthcare executives to extend ourselves and demonstrate what we feel healthcare is all about – caring. Wishes will be funded through the contributions from members and the donations from our Corporate Community.

Nominations for wish-recipients come from our members!

The American College of Healthcare Executives of New Jersey The American College of Healthcare Executives of New Jersey (ACHE-NJ) is a professional organization for those who direct the management services and programs within healthcare facilities and related organizations in New Jersey.

The ACHENJ is the designated chapter serving District II of the American College of Healthcare Executives and is recognized as an Allied Health Organization by the New Jersey Hospital Association.

Regent’s Advisory Council The New Jersey Regent’s Advisory Council assists the American College of Healthcare Executives in program planning, recruitment, advancement, developing nominations for college awards, monitoring College business, and developing annual plans and goals for The Association.

Please e-mail completed & signed applications to:

Mary Egan, PhD, MHA, First Member- at- Large, ACHENJ at

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An Independent Chapter of The American College of Healthcare Executives



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