QUALIFICATIONS All active members of the Chapter are eligible to be nominated for office with the following requirements: 1. The nominees for Officer positions, including President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, First Member at Large and Second Member at Large must have served as a board member for a full-term prior to assuming the elected role and must be members of the Chapter in good standing at the time of nomination; 2. The nominees for the Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs must be members of the Chapter and regularly participating members of any committee or actively involved in the organization’s work for a period of at least one year prior to nomination. Nominee of co-chair must have completed a minimum of one (1) year of service to the proposed committee chair. ELECTION PROCESS The Nominating committee will oversee the election process. All candidates must meet the previously delineated requirements of office.
Nominations will only be accepted until August 22, 2023.
Results will be announced in mid-October. Nominations must be accompanied by a short Bio, a photograph, and a statement of interest that details the candidates qualifications to hold a specific position. These should be separate files; please do not combine into one document. Nominations not containing all of the required information or not meeting the minimum requirements will not be considered and may be disqualified without further notification. The Nominating Committee will present a slate of qualified candidates to the Board of Directors at conclusion of the deadline and all active members in good standing will have an opportunity to vote on the slate of candidates presented. Please submit all nominations including the documents to: Harshal Shah, MHA, MBA Chair of the Nominations Committee and Immediate Past-President of ACHENJ pastpresident@achenj.com
Executive Board Openings: President-elect The President-elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President or in the event of the President’s inability or refusal to act. The President-elect shall act as liaison to the Education & Event Planning Committee and shall forward all Program Planning committee recommendations. Both the Distinguished Services Chair/Committee and the Mentorship Chair/Committee will report to The President-Elect. The President-elect shall also forward all recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval and perform other duties as may be assigned by the President. Secretary The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of ACHENJ in appropriate books, see that all notices are given in accordance with these Bylaws or as provided by law, keep the seal of ACHENJ and affix same to corporate documents, handle all official correspondence and, in general, perform all duties incidental to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or in consultation with the Chapter Board of Directors. First Member-At-Large The First Member-At-Large shall act as chair to the Scholarship Committee as well as the Wishes Come True Committee and shall forward such Committee recommendations and actions to the Chapter Board of Directors for approval. The First Member-At-Large shall also perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or Chapter Board of Directors. Second Member-At-Large The Second Member-At-Large shall act as chair to the Corporate Sponsorship and shall for-ward such Committee recommendations and actions to the Chapter Board of Directors for approval. The Second Member-At-Large shall also perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or Chapter Board of Directors. Committee Leadership Openings: Diversity Co-Chair (1 spot open) The Diversity Committee will champion diversity and cultural competency and strengthen the efforts of the Institute for Diversity in Health Management and other associations. The committee will engage Chapter and non-Chapter senior leadership with Diversity expertise to develop educational programs for the Chapter and help promote and participate in Diversity efforts. They will work with our other committees to create Diversity related programs. They will approach diversity from any/all aspects (including but not limited to race, gender, sexual preference, age, disabled and any minorities). Develop relationships and partnerships with other diverse organizations. Co-ordinate and be consistent with ACHE’s Diversity efforts. They shall be members of the Board of Directors with full voting privileges. Education Co-Chair (3 spots open) The education and event co-chairs shall be members of the Board of Directors with full voting privileges. The Education and Event Committee shall plan select programs and events for the Chapter on an annual basis and report such plans to the Board of Directors. It shall be responsible for all necessary arrangements and actions to conduct such programs and events. The Events & Education Committee shall be responsible for determining the interest and wishes of the member-ship concerning educational, networking and other programming, and planning the annual calendar accordingly. The Events & Education Committee is responsible for ensuring that ACHE Face-to-Face (formerly known as Category I) educational opportunities are made available locally. Membership Co-Chair (1 spot open) The Member Services Committee shall be responsible for all activities related to understanding the needs of the members. The Co-Chairs shall be members of the Board of Directors with full voting privileges Responsibilities may include creating, conducting and analyzing the annual membership survey for presentation to the board, creating and maintaining a new member outreach program, updating the member value statement and coordinating outreach to all subsections of members in conjunction with other committees. Communications (2 spots open) The Communications Committee, shall be responsible for supporting chapter communications and will oversee development and maintenance of the website, quarterly chapter newsletter, social media, public relations, and related activities. They shall be members of the Board of Directors with full voting privileges. Responsibilities may include: Website: Oversee the development and updates/revisions to the chapter website. Newsletter: Establish guidelines for acceptable content, creation of original content, acquisition and review of content (text and photographs) from members and external sources, editing, and creative/layout/design recommendations. Social Media: Establish and maintain the chapter’s visibility on social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). Public Relations: Support public relations activities and internal/external communication (in coordination with the Executive Committee) on behalf of the chapter.